

Our children’s program is designed to create a firm foundation on Jesus Christ so that children will know, love, and follow Christ with all their hearts. Children ages birth to 5th grade are welcome to join us Sundays and Wednesdays.

During our Sunday School program we focus on teaching that builds a strong Biblical foundation in which we learn that God is omnipotent (all powerful), sovereign (in control of everything), and that He sent a savior, Jesus, to save us from our sins. We learn this by teaching about who God is and what He has done in the Bible.

These principles are reinforced during KidsWorship on Wednesday nights. While attending KidsWorship, children participate in small, age appropriate groups. Small groups reinforce what we learned on Sunday by reviewing and teaching applications through fun activities, crafts, games, and music. Children learn that God is loving, good, and so much more.


We are passionately committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of today’s youth. Our primary mission is to guide them in living out their faith daily and equipping them with practical tools to apply the Word of God in their everyday lives. Our Sunday school program serves as the cornerstone, emphasizing the development of a strong biblical foundation, while our Wednesday night services focus on biblical application, where faith becomes a living experience.


Our adults at REC love to worship and serve together! We have three distinct small groups for adults – one for young adults, a middle adult group and another for senior adults. Each one meets on Sunday mornings @ 10:00 and then also a few other times a year for additional outings and activities. Our adults love one another but we also love our community! We feel blessed to be a part of the small but thriving Roberta/Crawford community and seek opportunities to work together with other christians to spread the gospel and the love of Christ! If you and your family do not have a church home, we hope that you will come join us as we worship the Savior.


We have a special group of adults ages 50 and over at REC that really enjoy sharing food, fun and fellowship! They have named themselves the Prime-timers and they plan monthly outings to sightsee, dine, and serve others together. This group loves to welcome new visitors and make them feel right at home. They would love to have you come join them for their next adventure!

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