Plan a Visit


Sunday Morning
Breakfast @9:30
Sunday School @10:00
Worship Service @ 11:00

Wednesday Evening
Worship Services for all ages @ 6:30

When you come to REC, you can expect to be welcomed by a friendly congregation of people who love the Savior and each other.  Our worship services last about an hour. We begin with a mixture of uplifting traditional hymns and contemporary worship music led by our awesome Praise Team!  Then, you can expect an inspiring message from the Bible.

Arrive in time for breakfast in the fellowship hall each Sunday and follow it up with a Sunday School hour of teaching and discussion from God's Word for all age groups.

We offer nursery services immediately following the song service for babies and children below school age. A nursery is also available during Sunday School for babies under two. In addition, we offer a sweet Sunday School class just for toddlers age 2 and 3.

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